Astrology Astrology Basics (मांगलिक दोषको ज्योतिषिय आधारहरु)
Astrology Astrology Basics
Mars and marital illness seem to be the worst inaccurate defects. Mangalshad which is also known as Bhanikal. For this reason, many of us are living in life alone. Therefore, this fault is not necessary in depth to end its fears. In Vedic astrology, when the planet Mars is located in Lagana, Second, IV, seventh, seventh and Dashash, it is considered defective. Some people are considered to be guilty of the presence of Mangal in the second house. Mars, present in this house, are considered to be unmarried for their marriage. In the five horoscope, in these five houses, most of the trumpet or sinful planets with Mangal are said to be worse. As if two sin planets, if two times four sin planets, four times the Mangal grows in sinus and the sin effect of Mangal is different in these five ways in different ways. For example, Mangal in Laguna: From the entrance, the person's body, health, and personality are considered. When a jungle is in a loneliness, a person is furious and angry, this makes the horn and the arrows too. The presence of Mangal's presence in this house decreases in the house asleep in the fourth place of happiness, while in the place of seventh life, the husband and wife remain confused and there is a complete vision of self-esteem, because there is a crisis factor for life partner. In the second house, the second eminent Mangal in the book of Mars: Deepika has also been said to be suffering from a defective defect. This house is a place of wealth and wealth. Mars families and families present in this house, while disputes and protests, increase the spouse in the spouse. Because of this, Mars see the fifth house, ascension and new sense because of the adverse effect on the child's side, as well as loss of escape. Mars in fourth place: In the fourth place, Mangal, seeing here, is seen in seventh, seventh and seventh house, this Mangal gives permanent property, but makes home life tranquil, Mangal's view of living in a partner's house leads to ideological differences, differences and lack of mutual love Lack of pleasure. Due to demandal defects, the spouse increases the distance, and the absence of defects can also be divorced. But Mars here does not put life partner in trouble.
Mars in the seventh house: The Saturn house is the life partner of the family as the house dwelling in this house is considered to be the most faulty for the marriage. Due to this passionate defect, the life fluctuates on the health of a partner. Life partner is furious, aggressive and angry. From here, Mangal looks at the location, wealth and place of work in Karma. This Mars makes the possibility of economic crisis, expense and employment and possibility of accident. Today, the Mangal produces a serious defect and also makes a marriage-related relationship. It is also painful in the context of the children's side. Here, due to the inauspicious effects of Mangal Mangal also increases distance between husband and wife. The reason for which a mutual relationship is reduced. If in this horoscope, in the horoscope, victims of demandal defects should treat its treatment and peace. Mars in Atmospheric house: VIII is the place of suffering, suffering, crisis and age. Mars marriages the joy of life in this house. The optimal Mars is a mental pain and a painter. Life partner lives in the happiness. Because of its vision in wealth and wealth, there is a loss of wealth and financial crisis, due to disease, there is lack of happiness. According to the astrological law, the invaluable Mangal Auspicious Planets living in this house also prevent obesity from being given by the auspicious. If the torn of this house is torn, virgin, or a coincidence, there is a slight decrease in its inauspiciousness. When the Capricorn of Capricorn, the child gives birth to the afflicted. Mars in Dushanesh :- The mascot of the horoscope is the place of shadow, happiness, pleasure, journey, expenditure and salvation. In this house, Mangal's presence seems to be a defective mistake. Due to the serious defects of this type of love, lack of love or harmony is related to husband and wife. Due to lack of money, there is a problem with family life. Such a person's work is strong. If there is no effect on auspicious planet, a person may also have a serious defect. Juvin's partner may come to the hospital and hurt him. Gossip or blood defects are also likely to occur.
मांगलिक दोषको ज्योतिषिय आधारहरु
विवाह र वैवाहिक जीवनमा मंगलको अशुभ दोष सबैभन्दा ज्यादा देखिन्छ । मंगलदोष जसलाई मांगलिक नामले पनि जानिन्छ । यसै कारणले कयौं नारी पुरुष आजीवन अविवाहित रहन्छन् । त्यसैले यस दोषलाई गहिराईमा बुभ्mन आवश्यक छ ताकि यसको डर अन्त्य गर्न सकियोस् । वैेदिक ज्योतिषमा मंगल ग्रह जब लग्न, द्वितीय, चतुर्थ, सप्तम, अष्टम तथा द्वादश भावमा स्थित हुन्छ भने यसलाई दोषपूर्ण मानिन्छ । कसैले द्वितीय भावमा कुटुम्बभावमा भएको मंगलको उपस्थितिलाई पनि यो दोष भएको मानिन्छ ।यी भावमा उपस्थित मंगल वैवाहिक जीवनको लागि अनिष्टकारक हुन्छ भनिन्छ । जन्म कुण्डलीमा यी पाँच भावमा मंगलको साथमा जति धेरै त्रूर वा पाप ग्रहहरु हुन्छ मंगल त्यति नै दोषपूर्ण हुन्छ भनिन्छ । जस्तै दुइ पाप ग्रह भएमा दुइ गुणा चार पाप ग्रहहरु भएमा चार गुणा मंगलको पापत्वमा बृद्धि हुन्छ र मंगलको पाप प्रभाव अलग अलग तरिकाले यी पाँच भावमा दृष्टिगत हुन्छ ।
जस्तै लग्न भावमा मंगल ः– लग्न भावबाट व्यक्तिको शरीर, स्वास्थ्य, व्यक्तित्वको विचार गरिन्छ । लग्न भावमा मंगल हुदाँ व्यक्ति उग्र एवं क्रोधी हुन्छ, यो मंगलले हट्ठी एवं आक्रमक पनि बनाउछ । यस भावमा उपस्थित मंगलको दृष्टि चतुर्थ सुख स्थानमा पर्ने हुदाँ गृहसुखमा कमी, सप्तम स्थान जीवन साथीको स्थानमा हुदाँ पति–पत्नीमा विरोधाभास एवं दुरी बनिरहन्छ, यहाबाट अष्टमभावमा पूर्ण दृष्टि पर्ने हुनाले जीवनसाथीको लागि संकट कारक हुन्छ ।
द्वितीय भावमा मंगल ः– भाव दीपिका नामक ग्रन्थमा द्वितीय भावस्थ मंगललाई पनि मांगलिक दोषबाट पीडित भनिएको छ । यो भाव कुटुम्ब र धनको स्थान हो । यस भावमा अवस्थित मंगल परिवार र कुटुम्बहरु सगँ विवाद तथा विरोध पैदा गराउँदा पति–पत्नीमा दुरी बढाउँछ । यहाबाट मंगल पंचम भाव, अष्टम र नवम भाव लाई देख्ने हुनाले सन्तान पक्षमा विपरीत प्रभाव, साथै भाग्योन्नतिमा हानी ।
चतुर्थ भावमा मंगल ः– चतुर्थ स्थानमा अवस्थित मंगलले यहाँबाट सप्तम, दशम, एवं एकादश भावलाई देख्ने हुनाले यस मंगलले स्थायी सम्पति त दिन्छ तर गृहस्थ जीवन कष्टमय बनाई दिन्छ , मंगलको दृष्टि जीवन साथीको गृहमा पर्नाले वैचारिक मतभेद भइरहन्छ, मतभेद एवं आपसी पे्रमको अभाव हुनाले जीवन साथीको सुखमा कमी ल्याउन्छ । मांगलिक दोषको कारणले पति–पत्नीमा दुरी बढाउँछ, र दोष निवारण नहुदाँ सम्बन्धविच्छेद पनि गराउन सक्छ । तर यहाँको मंगलले जीवन साथीलाई संकटमा पार्दैन ।
सप्तम भावमा मंगल ः– सप्तम भाव जीवन साथीको घर भएकोले यस भावमा बसेको मंगल वैवाहिक जीवनको लागि सर्वाधिक दोषपूर्ण मानिन्छ । यस भावस्तको मांगलिक दोष हुनाले जीवन साथीको स्वस्थ्यमा उतार चढाव भईरहन्छ । जीवन साथी उग्र, झगडालु तथा क्रोधी स्वभावको हुन्छ । यहाँबाट मंगलले लग्न स्थान, धन स्थान एवं कर्म स्थानमा पूर्ण दृष्टिले देख्छ । यो मंगलले आर्थिक संकट, व्यवासय एवं रोजगारमा हानि एवं दुर्घटनाको सम्भावना बनाउँछ । यहाको मंगलले चारित्रिक दोष उत्पन्न गराउँछ एवं विवाहोत्तर सम्बन्ध पनि बनाउँछ । सन्तान पक्षको सन्र्दभमा पनि कष्टकारी हुन्छ । यहाको मंगलको अशुभ प्रभावको कारण पति–पत्नी बीचका सम्बन्धमा पनि दुरी बढाउँछ । जसको कारण आपसी सम्बन्ध बिग्रिन्छ । कुण्डलीमा यदि यो भावमा मंगल भएर मांगलिक दोषबाट पीडितहरुले यसको उपचार तथा शान्ति विधि गर्नुपर्छ । अष्टम भावमा मंगल ः– अष्टम स्थान दुःख, कष्ट, संकट एवं आयु को स्थान हो । यस भावमा मंगल वैवाहिक जीवनको सुखलाई खाई दिन्छ । अष्टमस्थ मंगल मानसिक पीडा एवं कष्टकारक हुन्छ । जीवन साथीको सुखमा बाधक हुन्छ । धन भावमा यसको दृष्टि हुनाले धनको हानि तथा आर्थिक संकट हुन्छ, रोगको कारण दाम्पत्य सुखमा अभाव हुन्छ । ज्योतिष विधानको अनुसार यस भावमा बसेको अमंगलकारी मंगल शुभ ग्रहहरुको पनि शुभत्व दिनबाट रोकावट हुन्छ । यस भावको मंगल यदि वृष, कन्या, अथवा मकर राशीको भएमा यसको अशुभतामा केही कमी हुन्छ । मकर राशीको मंगल भएमा सन्तान सम्बन्धि कष्ट दिन्छ । द्वादश भावमा मंगल ः– कुण्डलीको द्वादश भाव शैया, सुख, भोग, यात्रा, व्यय तथा मोक्षको स्थान हो । यस भावमा मंगलको उपस्थितिबाट मांगलिक दोष लाग्छ । यसभावको मांगलिक दोषको कारणले पति–पत्निको सम्बन्धमा प्रेम वा सामंजस्यको अभाव हुन्छ । धनको कमीको कारणले पारिवारि जीवनमा परेशानी आउँछ । यस्तो व्यक्तिमा कामको भावना प्रबल हुन्छ । यदि शुभ ग्रहहरुको प्रभाव छैन भने यस्तो व्यक्तिमा चारित्रिक दोष पनि लाग्नु सक्छ । भावावेशमा आएर जविन साथीलाई नोक्सान पनि पु¥याउन सक्छ । यस्तोमा गुप्तरोग वा रगत सम्बन्धी दोषको पनि सम्भावना रहन्छ ।
Mars and marital illness seem to be the worst inaccurate defects. Mangalshad which is also known as Bhanikal. For this reason, many of us are living in life alone. Therefore, this fault is not necessary in depth to end its fears. In Vedic astrology, when the planet Mars is located in Lagana, Second, IV, seventh, seventh and Dashash, it is considered defective. Some people are considered to be guilty of the presence of Mangal in the second house. Mars, present in this house, are considered to be unmarried for their marriage. In the five horoscope, in these five houses, most of the trumpet or sinful planets with Mangal are said to be worse. As if two sin planets, if two times four sin planets, four times the Mangal grows in sinus and the sin effect of Mangal is different in these five ways in different ways. For example, Mangal in Laguna: From the entrance, the person's body, health, and personality are considered. When a jungle is in a loneliness, a person is furious and angry, this makes the horn and the arrows too. The presence of Mangal's presence in this house decreases in the house asleep in the fourth place of happiness, while in the place of seventh life, the husband and wife remain confused and there is a complete vision of self-esteem, because there is a crisis factor for life partner. In the second house, the second eminent Mangal in the book of Mars: Deepika has also been said to be suffering from a defective defect. This house is a place of wealth and wealth. Mars families and families present in this house, while disputes and protests, increase the spouse in the spouse. Because of this, Mars see the fifth house, ascension and new sense because of the adverse effect on the child's side, as well as loss of escape. Mars in fourth place: In the fourth place, Mangal, seeing here, is seen in seventh, seventh and seventh house, this Mangal gives permanent property, but makes home life tranquil, Mangal's view of living in a partner's house leads to ideological differences, differences and lack of mutual love Lack of pleasure. Due to demandal defects, the spouse increases the distance, and the absence of defects can also be divorced. But Mars here does not put life partner in trouble.
Mars in the seventh house: The Saturn house is the life partner of the family as the house dwelling in this house is considered to be the most faulty for the marriage. Due to this passionate defect, the life fluctuates on the health of a partner. Life partner is furious, aggressive and angry. From here, Mangal looks at the location, wealth and place of work in Karma. This Mars makes the possibility of economic crisis, expense and employment and possibility of accident. Today, the Mangal produces a serious defect and also makes a marriage-related relationship. It is also painful in the context of the children's side. Here, due to the inauspicious effects of Mangal Mangal also increases distance between husband and wife. The reason for which a mutual relationship is reduced. If in this horoscope, in the horoscope, victims of demandal defects should treat its treatment and peace. Mars in Atmospheric house: VIII is the place of suffering, suffering, crisis and age. Mars marriages the joy of life in this house. The optimal Mars is a mental pain and a painter. Life partner lives in the happiness. Because of its vision in wealth and wealth, there is a loss of wealth and financial crisis, due to disease, there is lack of happiness. According to the astrological law, the invaluable Mangal Auspicious Planets living in this house also prevent obesity from being given by the auspicious. If the torn of this house is torn, virgin, or a coincidence, there is a slight decrease in its inauspiciousness. When the Capricorn of Capricorn, the child gives birth to the afflicted. Mars in Dushanesh :- The mascot of the horoscope is the place of shadow, happiness, pleasure, journey, expenditure and salvation. In this house, Mangal's presence seems to be a defective mistake. Due to the serious defects of this type of love, lack of love or harmony is related to husband and wife. Due to lack of money, there is a problem with family life. Such a person's work is strong. If there is no effect on auspicious planet, a person may also have a serious defect. Juvin's partner may come to the hospital and hurt him. Gossip or blood defects are also likely to occur.
मांगलिक दोषको ज्योतिषिय आधारहरु

सप्तम भावमा मंगल ः– सप्तम भाव जीवन साथीको घर भएकोले यस भावमा बसेको मंगल वैवाहिक जीवनको लागि सर्वाधिक दोषपूर्ण मानिन्छ । यस भावस्तको मांगलिक दोष हुनाले जीवन साथीको स्वस्थ्यमा उतार चढाव भईरहन्छ । जीवन साथी उग्र, झगडालु तथा क्रोधी स्वभावको हुन्छ । यहाँबाट मंगलले लग्न स्थान, धन स्थान एवं कर्म स्थानमा पूर्ण दृष्टिले देख्छ । यो मंगलले आर्थिक संकट, व्यवासय एवं रोजगारमा हानि एवं दुर्घटनाको सम्भावना बनाउँछ । यहाको मंगलले चारित्रिक दोष उत्पन्न गराउँछ एवं विवाहोत्तर सम्बन्ध पनि बनाउँछ । सन्तान पक्षको सन्र्दभमा पनि कष्टकारी हुन्छ । यहाको मंगलको अशुभ प्रभावको कारण पति–पत्नी बीचका सम्बन्धमा पनि दुरी बढाउँछ । जसको कारण आपसी सम्बन्ध बिग्रिन्छ । कुण्डलीमा यदि यो भावमा मंगल भएर मांगलिक दोषबाट पीडितहरुले यसको उपचार तथा शान्ति विधि गर्नुपर्छ । अष्टम भावमा मंगल ः– अष्टम स्थान दुःख, कष्ट, संकट एवं आयु को स्थान हो । यस भावमा मंगल वैवाहिक जीवनको सुखलाई खाई दिन्छ । अष्टमस्थ मंगल मानसिक पीडा एवं कष्टकारक हुन्छ । जीवन साथीको सुखमा बाधक हुन्छ । धन भावमा यसको दृष्टि हुनाले धनको हानि तथा आर्थिक संकट हुन्छ, रोगको कारण दाम्पत्य सुखमा अभाव हुन्छ । ज्योतिष विधानको अनुसार यस भावमा बसेको अमंगलकारी मंगल शुभ ग्रहहरुको पनि शुभत्व दिनबाट रोकावट हुन्छ । यस भावको मंगल यदि वृष, कन्या, अथवा मकर राशीको भएमा यसको अशुभतामा केही कमी हुन्छ । मकर राशीको मंगल भएमा सन्तान सम्बन्धि कष्ट दिन्छ । द्वादश भावमा मंगल ः– कुण्डलीको द्वादश भाव शैया, सुख, भोग, यात्रा, व्यय तथा मोक्षको स्थान हो । यस भावमा मंगलको उपस्थितिबाट मांगलिक दोष लाग्छ । यसभावको मांगलिक दोषको कारणले पति–पत्निको सम्बन्धमा प्रेम वा सामंजस्यको अभाव हुन्छ । धनको कमीको कारणले पारिवारि जीवनमा परेशानी आउँछ । यस्तो व्यक्तिमा कामको भावना प्रबल हुन्छ । यदि शुभ ग्रहहरुको प्रभाव छैन भने यस्तो व्यक्तिमा चारित्रिक दोष पनि लाग्नु सक्छ । भावावेशमा आएर जविन साथीलाई नोक्सान पनि पु¥याउन सक्छ । यस्तोमा गुप्तरोग वा रगत सम्बन्धी दोषको पनि सम्भावना रहन्छ ।
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